Thursday, June 18, 2015

"Jump Mom"

My nine year old daughter Jessica is my photographer at home, and she charges me for her services may I add:) this  past weekend she took some pictures of me as usual. What made this photo shoot different was when she told me to jump while she was snapping away. In her childlike tone she said "jump mom". I tried my level best to jump as she took these pictures as everything inside me did not want to jump!
Jessica had such a great time directing me on how high I needed to jump I followed her lead and I trusted her.  We laughed so much and I really had a great time especially after the week I had. I so needed to laugh out loud as life and work can get a little crazy. My daughter did not know that she taught me a lesson by just taking casual photos of me. I realised just then how caught up I was in my own little world, the fact that she told me to jump my mind and body had to follow through with the instruction an action needed to follow.
In my mind I was like no Jess people are watching, my body is stiff I could thought of the excuses.
 The minute I let my feet of the ground I felt lighter and trusted her lead completely, this reminded me of complete surrender to God. As a wife and especially a mom I took the lesson from this very innocent child of mine and realised that I needed to trust God more with the little things that so easily get me my heart and mind in a mess. Letting go is such an easy action by me throwing my hands in the air and me lifting my feet of the ground was all I needed to do to feel the release. We over think the process of letting go so much and me just following my daughters voice and lead, I instantly felt a change and a release.
Just as my daughter gave me direction on what to do next, I was reminded to trust the voice of the Holy Spirit that speaks to me daily and I need to hear his still voice. Jump into the next chapter of your life as you trust the leading of the Holy Spirit.
I trust this post blessed you as I was blessed out of my socks.
Leave me a note, till next time....

Monday, June 1, 2015

I am Content

Contentment a word that has given me a new appreciation for life, a word that puts my life into perspective in so many ways.
The Bible is clear about being content according to Philippians 4:11 "I am not saying this because I am in need, for I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances."
I know what it is to have little and I know what it is to have much, in both circumstances I have learnt to be content. Contentment is a personal journey and one has to experience the beauty thereof for oneself as we are all individual and unique. In life we will be tested, we will be tried and we have to go through the process and come out on the other side refined and and changed, having passed the test and lesson learnt. Run your own race, its not a competition, its not a game, it a journey of pure refinement.
My experience with being content has taught me to love myself, love the body I have, love the family I have, love the home I have, love the job I have, love the people God has entrusted me with. Choosing to stay in peace and not allowing myself to get intimidated or react to situations that will steal my joy and peace.
I choose to be content, I choose to stay in prayer, I choose peace, I choose joy, I choose to love, I choose to forgive, I choose Life.
I hope this post inspired you to find contentment within the deepest part of you, it is within you, find it.