Thursday, March 26, 2015

You are Enough

Pondering this whole week on what topic to blog about, I woke up this morning with a line on my heart  " You are Enough"

I often wrestle with my thoughts about why I do what I do, especially when it comes to people and relationships. I am that person that will go above and beyond for others and often wonder why I do that. I love hard and break easily too.
I have come to a place in my life where I am not as tolerant of certain things anymore, situations or things I use to brush off before have become important matters to address for my own growth. I have matured over time and choosing my battles wisely. I have rediscovered my worth. We give people permission to treat us a certain way sometimes knowingly and unknowingly.
My husband is such a great supporter and believes in me and he always encourages me to celebrate myself. We had a deep conversation the other night and he reminded me of how far I have come in life, overcoming many obstacles and circumstances. He told me You are Enough !
I realised just then how much more I am worth to him, the kids, family and friends.
I guess we all have these moments in life where we wonder how important we are to others we love. We hold people in different places in our lives and finding your core people and purpose is so important, those that really love and respect you, those who make time for you and value the relationship.
I have learnt to set some boundaries for myself as not everyone I meet is for me, a very important lesson I learnt that saved me from much heartache. Sometimes we meet people and they stay in our lives only for a season, some people we meet stay for a lifetime. It is important to recognise this purpose as this gives you a greater understanding in the role you meant to play.
I love the scripture in Luke 6:31 that says "Do to others as you would have them do to you".
You are Enough, You have much Worth, You deserve Love and Respect.
Leave your comment below, I would love to hear from you.


  1. Wow!!!! What a post. Just read this post and it made my day. I now know that I am more than enough!!! Thanks for this post Aunty Verna

  2. Thank you Rosharn, yes dear you are worth more than Rubies, Diamonds and Precious Stones much love
